Ethnic Hair Wrapping at Branford Academy

Staff teacher Melissa Daley instructed Branford Academy students on how to do Ethnic Hair Wrapping. With the help from a student model, everyone was able to learn the process from start to finish!

Ethnic Hair Wrapping is an alternative way to style hair, and gives the hair a break from any harsh chemicals, irons, and daily styling that women may normally do. This style is low maintenance, and fairly easy to complete! Here is how students at Branford Academy accomplished their first Ethnic Hair Wrapping experience.

The process began by washing and conditioning the hair. Once done, a leave-in conditioner was applied. The model’s hair was combed with a wide-tooth comb, in order to get any tangles or kinks out. Next, students made a part in the middle third of the scalp, from left to right. Depending on what side the model wanted to wear her hair, students began to wrap the hair in front of the part in a circular motion. (clockwise to wear hair to the left, or counter clockwise to wear it to the right) The same technique was continued with a rat-toothed comb. Once done, the model sat underneath a blow dryer until her hair was completely dry. Then, once the hair was combed and parted, the hair wrap was done, leaving the student with straight, soft, and bouncy hair.

Find more courses on Hair and Cosmetology at Branford Academy

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